Friday, February 17, 2017

Ch. 2 - Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage: Swot Analysis for the IPhone

 Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage 

I do not own an iPhone 7.  To help me with my SWOT analysis I asked a co-worker who owned one and surprisingly I found most of my research based on her answers. I noticed a lot of good features about it and it is really cool and easy to use.

·        Apple’s advertising capabilities which create brand awareness
·        Loyal consumer base always support with the release of a new version
·        Apple targets high end customers
·        Multi-Apps control
·        Water resistance
·         Apple’s electronic payment system allowing consumers to buy by tapping your phone against a sensor at the till.
·        Over Independence on iPhone sales
·        High End but overpriced devices is likely to lose the battle for emerging markets to cheaper android devices.
·        Incapability with other OS (Operating System) are quite different than some of its rivals like android and windows.
·        The headphones jack holes are used for  charging
·        The battery life and / or one hardware
·        Apple has a unique position to take advantage of the growing internet of things market.
·        With iPhone and iPad becoming common in corporate
·        Risk of data breaches
·        The rising of the U.S dollar
·        Other smartphone maker like Samsung continue to cut into Apple’s market especially with cheaper offerings for similar products.
·        Very limited ability to customize compared to other smart phones.


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